Friday, September 26, 2008

Bubble gum VS Chewing gum..

Bubblegum is a type of chewing gum especially designed for blowing bubbles. Bubblegum is available in many different colors and flavors. The most common flavor is the distinctive one also known as "bubblegum", which is a combination of wintergreen, peppermint, vanilla and cinnamon. Bubblegum with this flavor is traditionally colored a light shade of pink.

Bubblegum tends to be more viscous than standard chewing gum: this facilitates bubble blowing. Some brands are designed to be non-sticky so they do not stick to one's face.

Chewing gum is a type of confectionery traditionally made of chicle, a natural latex product, or synthetic rubber. For reasons of economy and quality, many modern chewing gums use rubber instead of chicle. Chicle is nonetheless still the base of choice for some regional markets, such as in Japan. Chewing gum is a combination of a water-insoluble phase, known as gum base, and a water-soluble phase of sweeteners, flavouring and sometimes food colourings.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


....... Read the question slowly, being sure to focus on the last sentence which will usually contain the actual question.

........Read the choices carefully, keeping in mind that the answer is given and it is your task to recognize it.

.......Re-read the question while keeping the choices in mind. This will assist you in disregarding extraneous information.

.......First eliminate choices and the choose the answer that you believe is correct. If you are unsure between two choices, mark the question for review.

........After completing the first half of the exam, return to those questions you marked for review. DO NOT change answers unless in re-reading the question you realized you had missed key information the first time.

Things to avoid:

.....Speed: If you read too fast, you will miss key words such as all, every, best, worst, least or most.

........Lack of concentration: Being alert is the key to success. Be sure that you are well rested for your exam.

Can you differentiate between Baby rat and Adult rat


Baby Rat

Adult Mouse


short, stubby, broad, large relative to body

small, triangular, small relative to body


large and blunt with wide muzzle

narrow with sharp muzzle


ears are small relative to the head

ears are large relative to the head




Tail/body ratio

Tail shorter than body

Tail same length/longer than body


Large relative to body, especially the hind feet

Small relative to body


around 100 grams at 6 weeks, 200 grams at 8 weeks

30-50 grams

6 week old rat

Adult mouse

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Do you have a mobile phone? I’m sure you have at least one. Mobile phone is now a very important thing to human. Without it, human can’t communicate each other, especially when there were far away from each other. Mobile phone nowadays is not only to call someone or messaging someone, but it has plenty of function such as access to the internet, Bluetooth, infrared, camera with video recorder, MMS(receiving and sending photo or video),gaming, email, push to talk, the new one is television and so on. There were plenty of mobile phone brands such as Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and so on. Nokia is currently the world's largest manufacturer of mobile phones, with a global device market share of approximately 40% in 2008. Other major mobile phone manufacturers (in order of market share) include Samsung (14%), Motorola (14%), Sony Ericsson (9%) and LG (7%).These manufacturers account for over 80% of all mobile phones sold and produce phones for sale in most countries. Mobile phones generally obtain power from batteries, which can be recharged from a USB port, from portable batteries, from mains power or a cigarette lighter socket in a car using an adapter (often called battery charger or wall wart) or from a solar panel or a dynamo (that can also use a USB port to plug the phone).Formerly, the most common form of mobile phone batteries were nickel metal-hydride, as they have a low size and weight. Lithium-Ion batteries are sometimes used, as they are lighter and do not have the voltage depression that nickel metal-hydride batteries do. Many mobile phone manufacturers have now switched to using lithium-Polymer batteries as opposed to the older Lithium-Ion, the main advantages of this being even lower weight and the possibility to make the battery a shape other than strict cuboids. Mobile phone manufacturers have been experimenting with alternative power sources, including solar cells.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Do you obsesses with money?What would you do if you get a lots of money in your hands now?
Here I can give you some information about Top 10 Richers In the World..Try to notice and imagine how many the have..

1) The American investor and philanthropist Warren Buffet is worth an estimated $62 billion, up $10 billion from a year ago thanks to surging prices of Berkshire Hathaway stock, according to Forbes magazine's annual ranking of the world's billionaires.

Warren Buffet2) Mexican telecoms tycoon Carlos Slim Helu was named the world's second richest man, with a net worth of around $60 billion, up $11 billion since last March.

Carlos Slim Helu 3) Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, is now ranked as the world's third richest person. At $58 billion, his net worth is up $2 billion from a year ago.
Bill Gates4) Steel giant Lakshmi Mittal placed fourth with 45 billion dollars

Lakshmi Mittal5) Petrochemicals tycoon Mukesh Ambani placed fifth with 43 billion dollars

Mukesh Ambani6) Anil Ambani at sixth position with 42 billion dollars

Anil Ambani7) Ikea store chain owner Ingvar Kamprad was seventh at $31 billion

Ingvar Kamprad8) Property magnate K.P. Singh came in eighth on the list, with a fortune estimated at 30 billion dollars. K.P. Singh9) Aluminum giant Oleg Deripaska was ninth at $28 billion

Oleg Deripaska10) Aldi store chain owner Karl Albrecht was 10th at $27 billion

Karl Albrecht
So,what do you think about them now?Can you reach the Victory moment as they did?
Go back and think...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Polystyrene Facts

What keeps your hands cool and your coffee hot?
What helps keep food fresher longer?
What is lightweight yet strong?

Everyday,we have been use polystyrene into so many things such as food container when we buy food in cafe.But,do you now the facts of what you are using?
Polystyrene is found in your home, office, local grocery and in the cafeteria. It comes in many shapes and forms, from foam egg cartons and meat trays, to soup bowls and salad boxes, from coffee cups and utensils to CD "jewel boxes," and from produce trays to "peanuts" used in packing and the lightweight foam pieces that cushion new appliances and electronics.
What polystyrene can do besides food container?Here I got some information from the website.
  • It guards against leaking and keeps its shape when holding your take-out meal.
  • It keeps hot food hot and cold food cold, while you hold the package in comfort.
  • It cradles your fruit, vegetables, eggs and meat to keep them fresh and intact.
  • It is an excellent low-cost and sanitary choice for food service packaging.
  • It protects valuable shipments without adding significant weight.
Well,nothing else offers the combination of strength, lightness and durability to protect valuable objects from crystal to computers, from morning coffee to salad at lunch, from your children to you!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to Tell the Difference Between a Mouse and a Rat

Girls are normally hate rat,mouse,mice or something that looks like that animal.I think there were cute and adorable pet,especially hamster.There were cute especially were they eat and play with their "roller coaster". Do you know what is the differentiation between a mouse and a rat?Many people are so confused about them.Here I got some tips on how to differentiate it.

The size difference is a major factor. A full grown mouse may weigh a few ounces where a full grown rat may weigh as much as a pound.
A young rat, while still hairless, is already the size of a full grown mouse, where a baby or young mouse is very tiny.

A rat will dig a deep or long burrow to nest, 3 feet or longer, whereas a mouse will generally not go any deeper than 6 inches to a foot if they dig at all, they would prefer to live between a wall, behind or under an appliance.

A rat is much more aggressive than a mouse. If you corner a rat, it may jump up and attack to get away. A mouse will generally freeze and back off in absolute fear.

The size of their droppings is another difference. Mouse dropping will range from 1/8 to 1/4 inch at best in length, whereas rats droppings will be double that size, in the area of 1/2 inch.

Common breeds of rats in the US would be The Norway and Roof Rat. Common breeds of mice in the US would be the Field and House mouse.
There are slight differences regarding shapes, tail length, snouts and ears, but again, are all related.

A rat will venture much further away from their nest to find a food or water source, whereas a mouse will usually not venture more than 15 feet from home.

A rat is generally smarter than a mouse. For instance, if there is a new food source in their area of transit, they may force an older weaker rat to eat it and then watch to see if he dies or not in case the food is no good or contains poison. If that rat dies, they will urinate on it and avoid it. You have probably heard that you may only catch rats once on a snap trap and then you have to try something else. With mice this is not the case, they will come back to the same trap over and again.

Both rats and mice will generally use the same route of travel on a regular basis, both being creatures of habit. Rats will leave more evident proof of their route leaving oily stains rubbing off from the sides of their bodies that will appear over a period of time, along a wall, entry to an opening or corner they travel, often called run marks.

As far as similarities, they both must gnaw on a regular basis. If not their teeth will grow too long and into their heads and could kill them. They are both responsible for the contamination of major quantities of food in the world by chewing through packaging or urinating on raw materials or the finished product which is then destroyed. Also, rats especially, are the cause of many electrical fires due to their gnawing into live wiring. Not to mention the diseases they may carry and transfer. Consider the bubonic plague for instance.

They both live in nests with others and have similar breeding habits, however a rat is much more cruel, I hope is the best word here. For instance, if a rat colony is already over crowded and food source is low, they will actually kill and eat new borns immediately so they won't effect their food source. I have never heard of this to be true within a mouse nest.

Now then,I hope I have give enough information about it..Enjoy yourself with them!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Raya is coming!!!

What would first come to your mind if somebody says about Raya?For child of course "duit raya" and fireworks will appear immediately from their mind.Usually child will celebrate hari raya in the most happening ways.Have you guys shopping for new cloth?If yes,I'm sure that you have spent a lot of money to buy something new.If you are not yet,I have some tips for you to spend your money wisely for Hari Raya..

1-Find clothes on sale. Look for clearance sales at stores. Be sure to buy basic items like a long tank top, a basic t shirt, and at least 2 pairs of jeans.

2-Avoid splurging too much at once. If you go out to the movies, for example, don't buy movie theatre snacks.

3-Do not get a credit card unless you are under deadly circumstances. A credit card just tempts you to splurge out.